submit your work

subs are now OPEN!

vol 03 theme: “imagined futures”

How do we engage in the present while thinking about the future? What is possible, probable, and/or preferable when we think about our world tomorrow? What will community look like 10, 20, 50 years from now? How do we maintain resilience in a world filled with uncertainty? What do we want future generations to know about our own hopes and dreams?

Stretch your curiosity and send us your art, photography, and writing that captures what “imagined futures” means to you! Subs open January 1-March 31, 2025.

We are proud to announce that we are now a PAYING zine, starting with volume 03!

  • Cover art: $100
  • $30 per accepted piece (poem, art, photography, short form, or hybrid)

*all amounts are in CAD and for CAD contributors. At this time we are not able to pay contributors outside of Canada. If you are an international contributor and you are in an area we are able to ship to, we will send a complimentary copy of SAPP in lieu.

SAPP accepts submissions of:

  • Cover Art: (1 piece)
  • photography (1-4 photos)
  • original artwork (1-4 pieces)
  • poetry (1-4 poems)
  • short form (creative non-fiction, short story, hybrid, experimental forms) no longer than 350-600 words
  • hybrid pieces: 2 page limit

*Please submit to 1 category only, unless your work is a hybrid piece that combines more than one medium. If your work has been published in a previous volume of SAPP, priority will be given to highlighting new & emerging writers and artists (though you are still welcome to submit!).

SAPP’s submission period is:

  • January 1-March 31

SAPP is an annually published zine. You can find our print copies at any of these local bookshops, or purchase our digital version through Patreon. All contributors will be invited to share their work at our annual contributor celebration event in New Westminster, BC.

Submission guidelines:

  • we prioritize work from folks residing in the provinces and territories of so-called “Canada,” and encourage all submissions to include a land acknowledgement
  • please include a short (75 word max) bio in the email body for your submission
  • work must be previously unpublished (in print or online; if your work is photography or art, “previously unpublished” indicates that your work has not appeared in a print publication. You are welcome to submit work that has been shown in galleries or exhibits.)
  • please only submit to one category, unless you are submitting a hybrid piece
  • e-mail subject line: “CATEGORY, NUMBER OF SUBMISSIONS” (i.e. Poetry, Three Poems or Photography, 2 photos)
  • all text must be 11pt font, single spaced, Garamond font, submitted as one .doc (for poetry) or .pdf (for uniquely formatted poems)
  • please submit art and photographs as .jpg files
  • please keep in mind for all submissions that SAPP is formatted to fit A5 paper. Adjust margins and line lengths accordingly
  • we accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere
  • if selected for publication, authors and artists retain copyright and ownership of their work, however we ask that you credit us if your work is later published elsewhere

e-mail all submissions to: